In-Person Boiler Training Classes at Boisco Training Group (BTG)
COVID-19 put a stop to in-person boiler training classes for a while. To meet the increased demand, BTG is working to schedule as many of these classes now as we can. We are also providing customized training classes for commercial and industrial businesses.
Why In-Person Boiler Training Classes Are Necessary
We realize that in-person classes are still not for everyone, but, unfortunately, Zoom-style classes just won’t get the job done. The nature of our boiler training classes and our boiler water treatment classes requires one-on-one, live training. Visual aids are difficult to “pass around” in a Zoom class and hands-on labs are impossible.
Custom Boiler Training Classes
For custom boiler training classes, our instructors come to your facility. We offer an assortment of training modules for you to choose from. And each module will be customized for your people, your boilers, and your facility.
Classroom demonstrations take place on the boilers and in the boiler rooms that your people use every day. There is no better way to train than on your own equipment. This type of boiler training is unprecedented.
Why BTG Is the Best in the Industry
BTG is led by Marty Toth, former chief boiler inspector for the state of Tennessee. Currently he is a member of the Main Committee and Sub-Committee (Repairs & Alterations) for the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC).
BTG gave its first class in 2015, and we’ve been giving them ever since. Along with our preferred partner, Boiler Supply Company, we have nearly 75 years of industry experience and hundreds of cumulative years of individual experience. BTG has some of the most knowledgeable “boiler people” in the industry at its disposal.
Contact BTG for In-Person Boiler Training Classes
Please give us a call at (615) 504-9064 for questions about classes or to set up custom training at your location.